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Train Your Brain!

Neuroplasticity is news in psychology research.  Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to restructure itself [with] training or practice.  It challenges prior theories and provides promise for personal growth and development at any age.  The adage of you can’t teach an old dog new tricks is now bogus, whereas, practice makes perfect, takes on new meaning!

When your brain gets excited, your body fires off neurons simultaneously.  According to Hebbs lawneurons that fire together, wire together.  These neurons make connections with each other, causing pathways to become stronger.  These connections enhance pliability; triggering neurons in your brain to reshape and branch out.  This is the brain’s physiology through life, not only during development.

 A great analogy is how a tree grows. The more a tree is fed, the quicker and more hearty it will grow and sprout; the richer the food, the stronger and fuller the tree.  Similarly, when you repeatedly feed your brain with challenges, your brain changes based on those experiences and new structures form.

Studies have shown that repeated exercise of your brain strengthens and regains its functions, as well as delaying certain mental diseases.  Challenging yourself to new activities that stimulate your mind can be an ideal preventative medication for mental disease, such as Alzheimer’s and dementia.  It can alsoenhance attention span, increase levels of working memory, and speed up the brains processing power.

Meditation is a valuable practice that can be used to challenge or retrain our brain.  It has the capability of reshaping our minds to promote the changes we desire.  The power of meditation can alter our moods, resolve emotional problems, and produce a calmer, more relaxed state over a period of time by synchronization of the [brain’s] hemispheres. 

A key takeaway:  There is always potential for development regardless of age. A goal can be to continually practice thoughts about positive ‘change’ to produce positive outcomes.  Your brain has the power to produce desired outcomes when you concentrate on those outcomes.

Contentment is not a state you are born into, it is a state you can discover!

For tips on meditative practices, check out Creative Mindflow or learn from the master, George Pierson, at his June 27th workshop.  Click here to attend his event Understanding Creativity Through the Art of Innovation!

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